Don’t throw away your too-sparkly eyeshadow. Mix it with clear nail polish to make a cool custom color for your nails.
Add Visine to your mascara to make it last longer. Water works in a pinch, too.
For longer lasting curls, curl your hair in the middle first and then from the ends.
Sweater season is never far away, and you know what that means: STATIC HAIR! Calm the frizz using a dryer sheet. Rub it over your hair or apply it to your brush before brushing your hair.
Don’t pay for expensive oil blotting sheets. You have a cheap alternative right in your kitchen! Keep some coffee filters in your purse and car for removing excess oil throughout the day.
Apply foundation to your lips before applying lipstick. It acts as a primer for richer color. Make sure you smile when you apply it to get the foundation in the cracks of your lips.
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